Programmatic advertising: The first investment option in digital MKT

The digital sector is an increasingly unfamiliar and confusing area for businesses. Advertising investment in the digital environment is growing, as is the increasing professionalism of marketing teams in this area.

Digital Marketing demonstrated its benefits since early inception, because of its low cost and great scope. But it has been the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence that has definitely triggered investments in digital stocks. And, within these, the investment in programmatic advertising; the main marketing model used in mobile marketplaces.

In fact, it is estimated that in 2020, investment in programmatic advertising will account for 68% of total investment in digital marketing, with an approximate expenditure of 98 billion dollars.

El Real Time Bidding se posiciona como la estrella del marketing digital, ahora que la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial y el Aprendizaje Automático han conseguido segregar a los usuarios de Internet en todas sus características, incluso, aquellas relativas a sus gustos, sus hábitos de uso y su historial de movimientos.

The value of advertising does no longer rely in the number of people who see an ad, but in the quality of the users who receive it. And the new General Law on Data Protection has done a lot for this qualitative increase. Yes, now access to data is more limited and the amount of information collected has decreased a lot. But it also has more quality and is much more precise. It allows us to analyze in detail our real Buyer Personas, their location, their hours of activity and their digital behavior. Therefore, we can accurately discriminate in our marketing objectives (with the expense reduction involved) those users with little or no interest in our product, content or service.

But the programmatic advertising stats do not reflect yet the new upcoming growth. With the implementation of 5G you will have access to very precise data. The Artificial Intelligence of the new developments is already preparing to cover and unpack all that amount of valuable information that will guarantee the success of each of the ads it provides.

However, there is no single Artificial Intelligence model that can be transferred to every field. There is not even a universal model that can be applied equally to every customer audience. The competitiveness of companies, from a technological development point of view, lies precisely there: creating the most accurate tool for translating data into performance for each specific product, content or service.

And this is precisely one of the strongest competences at Upify. As owners and developers of a technological, platform driven, ecosystem, we have the specific and accurate data from end users served by our platforms. We have historical knowledge of the different consumption patterns and profiles, and the results of our advertising placements offer a high level of success and satisfaction. Because at Upify, when you win, we all win.

19 March 2020